During E-learning phase, only applicable rules will be in use. E-learning timetable will be given by the class teacher. During normal times all rules will apply.

1. School starts at 8:00 a.m. and closes at 2:30 p.m. ( Monday to Thursday)timings may change as per SPEA.

2. The entrance gates will be closed at 8.15 a.m. The gates will again be closed from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to discourage parents from intruding into classrooms.

3.Parents who pick their children at 1.30 p.m from primary block will pick the siblings,only when from the senior school gate open at 2.40 p.m.

4. The school gate will open from 7.30 a.m and will close at 3.00 p.m.The school is not responsible for any mishap before 7.30 a.m and after 3.00 p.m.The school nurse and other assistance will be available only up to 3.00 p.m.

5. Male guardians are only allowed till the 2nd gate at all times. They will be allowed in the school only on Parent Teacher days.

6.Male guardians are requested not to insist on entering the school premises, as this will result in an unwelcome scene.

7.FS2 & YR1 students may go home at 1.30 p.m with their registered guardians,from the Primary Gate.The Primary section gate is open,for the use of only the Primary Block students up to 8.00 a.m and opens for them at 1.30 p.m.

8.Students from Year 4 onwards are not allowed to use the Primary gate after 8:00 a.m.The linking gate will be locked.

9. The guardian must have an Emirates ID for identification.The students will not be handed over to an unauthorized person.

9.If there is a change in the person picking a child from the authorization card,parent must email the class teacher of this change well in advance and the concerned person must carry a hard copy of this email.

10.If parents do not have the authorization card they must wait in the reception and the student will be brought down at 2.50 p.m.


1. Students must attend 80% of the classes held in each year, failing which they must repeat the class.

2.Students absenting themselves for a valid reason must bring a leave letter signed by the guardian on the day after their absence or email it to the class teachers. Average marks will not be given for class assessments where a student is absent but has not furnished a leave letter.For midterm and final exams absence will NOT result in average marks unless a health certificate is produced signed by the MOE authority or the management agrees that the reasons were unavoidable.

3. Student that are absent - Parent will receive a SMS on their registered number..

4. If a student is late to school, he / she must bring a letter signed by the father.

5. As per MOE Rules the name of any student absenting himself from school for any reason for more than 30 days will be removed from the School Roll.

6.Parents who want to take their ward from school before the end of the school day, must email the request to class teacher. It is difficult to keep a record without a written note. Therefore, no student will be allowed to go before the final bell unless a note was submitted in the first period or an email was sent the previous day.

7.Absence from the midterm or final exams will be calculated as per the school policy.Only if the absence is certified as a medical reason by a U.A.E govt. doctor. If a student is absent for both exams ,for any reason whatsoever, he will not be promoted to the next class.


1.Parents should fill the information page in the school portal as directed by the class teacher. They may communicate with the school via registered email. Any change in phone numbers should be updated on the portal. Please read the rules and regulations. Changes in rules and current information will be provided on the website and may be sent through portal.

2.Please fill in all the particulars asked for in the portal within a week of joining.It is the reponsibility of the parent to fill in / update the correct details in the portal.

3.Please check the school website and school portal daily.

4.Please give your correct phone no. and Email to the class teacher for use in case of an emergency.Only the authorized Email address will be accepted for communication.

5.Register any major health issues of your child with the school nurse along with relevant medical documents and give a copy of this information to the class teacher too.

6.In case your child is allergic to any food ,please inform the class teacher in writing.


1. The office accepts fees on all working days from 8:10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Modes of Payment – Cash Payment, CDC Cheques, Credit Card & Online Fee payment (Skiply App.).

2. However, on term report card day the office does not accept any fees; neither is fees accepted one day before the report card day.

3. Parents who have not paid the fees may obtain the report card after making full payment on the next working day.It takes 3 working days before the portal can be reopened.

4.Please do not send any cheque or cash through your ward or through bus staff.

5. Names of Students who have not cleared the previous year’s fees will be deleted on June 30th, before the academic year. To obtain re-admission, a student must obtain a Transfer Certificate (T.C.) and apply afresh. The school may, if it deems it necessary, organize an admission test. Re-admission will only be possible if there is a vacancy.

6. Transportation fees must be cleared along with school fees if the student is using the school bus.Or transportation fees can be paid for the whole term.Nonpayment of bus fees will instantly result in stopping the transport facility immediatly.

7. Fees once paid are not refundable after 15th June for the next academic year.

8. Those who pay their tuition fee yearly will have to pay the bus fee in the same mode;all fees are paid in advance.

9.No Post Dated Cheque will be accepted. The September/October fees and all overdue fees will only be accepted in cash.For other months too PDC or cheques not accepted.

10. Parents are requested to pay their ward’s fee as per this schedule:

Before 15th of August For September to December
Before 10th of January For January and March
Before 10th of April For April and June

Note : Fee defaulter's sibling will not be admitted to school.If fees are not paid before the dates,siblings will not be considered for admission.

Late payment for 2 years consecutively will not be kept on the roll.They will have to apply for re-admission.

11.School fees will be charged till the date on which TC has been applied for.

12. There are no discounts on tuition fees / bus fees.

13. The only proof of payment is the receipt. Please keep it securely.

14. Please check our school website regularly for any changes in fee payment schedule.

15. Please check the school portal every day.


1. Bus users must be in the bus latest by 2:35 p.m. sharp. No student is allowed to enter after that.Buses will leave school by 2.40 PM.Similarly, the bus user must be at the bus stop at the time given by the driver.

2. Misbehavior in the bus distracts the driver and therefore students who misbehave or disobey the conductor will be disallowed the use of the bus.

3. Seats and routes available are limited; please check with the transport administrator for further details.Once a seat is allotted, as per SPEA, no movement is allowed in the bus.

4 . Transport is not available to all students and is subject to availability and area of residence.


Though the school takes all precautions, it cannot be held responsible for any accident or damage done to the student in any eventuality.

If a student missess the bus and is brought to school by a parent,a letter must be given to the class teacher,who will convey his presence to the bus driver.


1. Three warning letters will be issued for acts of minor indiscipline.

2. Frequent rule breaking or acts of serious indiscipline will result in suspension from one to seven days.

3. In rare cases, when it is felt that the student does not respond to correction and is having an adverse effect on the other students, he/ she will be expelled from school.


1. If the pupil is attentive in class and completes his assignments satisfactorily and regularly, he/she will have little difficulty in obtaining good results at the examination. Parents are requested to attend to any weakness, immediately, and encourage children to revise the day’s work every day. The school advises against private tuitions, which we believe is harmful to learning. Parents are requested to NOT TEACH, but supervise the students study time

2.For the purpose of evaluating the pupil’s progress during the year there are formative and summative assessments.

3. Pupils absent from any assessment will not be re-examined.

4. The marks obtained in all the assessments/examinations will be taken into consideration for promotion.

5. Students are not allowed to absent themselves from any semester examinations. However,in a medical emergency,a student may submit a medical certificate countersigned by the UAE medical authority for the consideration of the Management.The decision of the management will be final.

6. Students will be allowed absence for one monthly assessment each semester with Government stamped medical report. Monthly assessments are done on all work done in class. There are no test dates and ‘tests’. Teachers are prohibited from announcing test dates.

7.In a year if a student is absent for more than 10 working days in a month, there will be no report card for him and his progress report will show ‘Absent’ which means a zero in that month, when calculated for promotion.

8. All matters regarding promotions are left entirely to the discretion of the Head of the school and his/her decision shall be final.

9. The final results cannot be reconsidered.

10. Students found copying or using unfair means during the examination will be punished with expulsion from a part of or the whole examination and will be awarded a zero in that paper.

11. Students who fail twice in the same class will be removed from the school roll.

12. Minimum passing marks as per the British Curriculum:

  • 50% up to YR9
  • 60% for YR10 and above

13. Students are given retests at the end of the year on the basis of Ministry of Education approved rules. A minimum of 35% marks is needed for a retest. Retests can only be given in two subjects.

14. Retest information will be given on the registered mobile phone and on the email provided by the parent.Please be aware that retest are held with in 20 days of the end of the annual exam.

15. Students are required to present themselves on the scheduled days of the re-examination. Absence, for any reason whatsoever will result in failure.

16.Students need to be present in school for all examination.


Students have to choose their subjects for O Levels according to the list given below, after YR9.

English Arabic
English Literature Islamic Studies
Maths Social Studies
Physics Moral Education
Chemistry or Accounting  
Biology or Business  

For Chemistry and Biology 30 students each with the highest marks in Maths & English will be chosen from the boys and the girls sections. Students will not be allowed to drop any subject for O Levels. Students will appear for the IGCSE ‘O’ level in Yr11.

For students appearing in the Edexcel exams, school fee clearance up to April, and the total Board fees (which is currently about 7500/-) should be paid around the 10th of February of that year. The actual date will be given on the website and portal.

A level course is completed in two years with three subjects.

[AS Level in year 12 & A2 Level in year13]

Applications will be accepted for AS Level in three subjects from students who are appearing for ‘O’ levels. In September if their grades are 5 and above in atleast one of the opted subjects and grade 4 in one subject except physics/chemistry/biology /maths.Then they will be accepted.However, final admission for AS Level depends on two things:

  • September/October of the new academic year fees paid up.
  • At least 5 students registered in the subjects choosen.
  • Seats available

1. Held on the last Saturday of each month from 9.00 a.m to 10.00 a.m, unless informed otherwise.

2. Parents who wish to contact teachers on other days may communicate through the portal,giving clear reasons.

3. Parents are requested not to take up more than 5 minutes of a teacher’s time during PTM. If there is a larger issue,please ask for an appointment,clearly stating the issue so that the teacher brings relevent copies and papers to the meeting . The teacher will give the parent a time during her free period in the week.In case a larger issue to be discussed, please include all relevant details and proof that may support the discussion

4. In an emergency, the school may be approached on the school hotline number or the portal.

5. Parents are dissuaded from going to class rooms except during parent teacher meetings.

The PTM meetings will be held virtually incase COVID protocol is resumed. Any changes/updates will be notified on the school website.


Mobile phones and smart watches ARE NOT ALLOWED in school. In special cases, parents may request that their wards be allowed a mobile phone.

Then, if permitted, students may carry a phone WITHOUT A CAMERA ,INTERNET CAPABILITIES OR CALCULATOR . In case any phone rings in class, it will be confiscated and NOT RETURNED until the following September.Mobile phones are only permitted to those students who go by bus.For others,in an emergency,the school phone may be used with permission.


1.A school leaving certificate may be obtained during the academic year by filling out an application form 15 days in advance. The end of year schedule differs.This will be notified in June.

2.School leaving certificates for O' & A' level students must be applied for in June and will be given in the fourth week of September, after the Ministry accepts the Edexcel/Pearson Results.


1.No student is allowed to drop a subject at the O Levels

2.The school academic section will remain closed for all the approved vacations and holidays

3. All holidays declared by the ministry will be observed by the school.

4. Every student must have an electronic device for online learning.

5. While the school will take every precaution during excursions and picnics, it cannot be held responsible for any mishaps.

6. Any damage to school property will not only render the student liable to make good the loss but can also result in expulsion.

7. All school fees must be paid in advance. .








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